Star Wars Heroes Guide in India-Ranked From Worst to Best

Star Wars Heroes-Worst-to-Best-

Do you watch Star Wars movies in India? If you do, you must have noticed that there are a lot of heroes in the Star Wars universe. From the Jedi to the rebels, plenty of characters stand out as beacons of hope in a galaxy far, far away.

But with such a large and diverse cast of characters, it can be hard to determine who the best of the best are. That’s why we’ve decided to rank the Star Wars heroes from worst to best.

This list includes characters from all corners of the franchise, including movies, TV shows, comics, and video games. So sit back, relax, and see who made it to the cut for viewers in India. Let’s get started with the Star Wars Heroes guide. 

Baze Malbus


Baze Malbus is a warrior who fought in the Clone Wars and later became a member of Saw Gerrera’s rebel cell. He is an excellent marksman and fighter, but he is also one of the gruffest and surly characters in the Star Wars universe.

Baze doesn’t suffer fools gladly and has little patience for those who don’t meet his high standards.

While he is a skilled warrior, Baze is not the kind of hero that people are likely to rally behind. He’s simply too gruff and unapproachable for that.

His character made him join the Rogue One mission to steal the Death Star plans, where he eventually sacrificed himself to save his friends. Baze is a hero, but he’s not among the greatest Star Wars heroes. Don’t remember the character? Then check out the Star Wars movies in order in India.

Chirrut Îmwe


Chirrut Îmwe is a blind warrior who follows the ways of the Force. He is an excellent fighter and has considerable skills with staff and bow caster. Chirrut is also a very spiritual character, which sets him apart from many other heroes in the Star Wars universe.

While Chirrut is a skilled fighter, his blindness often disadvantages him. He also doesn’t have the same connection to the Force that other characters do.

However, his spiritual nature and warriors make him a hero that people can look up to. Chirrut’s character was one of the highlights of Rogue One, and he quickly became a fan favorite.

Wedge Antilles


Wedge Antilles is one of the most skilled pilots in the Star Wars universe. He flew for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War and was a key member of the Rogue Squadron and the famed Red Squadron.

Wedge is an expert at flying under pressure and has been involved in some of the Rebellion’s most essential battles.

While he is an excellent pilot, Wedge is not really a hero in the traditional sense. He doesn’t have any special powers or abilities, and he doesn’t stand out from the other pilots in the Rebel Alliance.

However, his skill in battle and his loyalty to the Rebellion make him a hero worth remembering.



Porg is an adorable, soft, fluffy creature that lives on the island Ahch-To with Luke Skywalker. Porgs are friendly creatures and part of the Star Wars heroes that make cute noises, but they don’t do much else.

They don’t have any special powers or skills, and they’re not particularly brave or clever.

Porgs are more like comic relief than anything else. They’re there to provide fun in the otherwise dark and serious Star Wars universe. While they’re not the worst creatures in the galaxy, they’re certainly not the heroes that people are looking for.

Cassian Andor


Cassian Andor is a rebel spy who plays a pivotal role in the events of Rogue One. He is tasked with finding Saw Gerrera and bringing him into the rebel fold.

Cassian is an excellent soldier and strategist, but he is also burdened by the things he has done in the name of the rebellion.

Cassian is a complex character torn between his duty to the rebellion and his own personal beliefs. He has done some questionable things in the name of the rebellion, but he ultimately believes in what they are fighting for.

His character arc in Rogue One is one of the most interesting in the film. He may not be the most heroic character in Star Wars, but he is definitely one of the most interesting.



Finn is a stormtrooper who was captured by the Resistance and then helped them in their fight against the First Order. He is a skilled fighter, but he is also impulsive and hot-headed.

Finn often acts without thinking, which gets him into trouble. However, he is also fiercely loyal to his friends and always tries to do the right thing.

Finn is a likable character, but he’s not the most heroic in the Star Wars universe. He doesn’t always make the best decisions, and he’s not always successful in his attempts to do good.

However, his heart is in the right place, and he is always trying to help his friends.

Mon Mothma


Mon Mothma is one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and a key figure in the fight against the Empire. She is a wise and compassionate leader respected by all who know her. Mon Mothma is also a skilled politician, making her an invaluable asset to the Rebel Alliance.

While she is not a fighter, Mon Mothma is a hero in her own right. She has dedicated her life to the cause of freedom and justice, and she has sacrificed much in the name of those ideals.

Her wisdom and compassion have inspired many people to fight for the Rebel Alliance, and she is one of the key figures in the victory over the Empire.



K-2SO is a reprogrammed Imperial droid who serves as the Rebel Alliance’s best intelligence agent. He is sarcastic, wise-cracking, and completely loyal to his friends. K-2SO is an excellent fighter and has a dry sense of humor that endears him to everyone he meets

While he may not be the most skilled fighter, K-2SO’s loyalty and dry wit make him a hero that people can’t help but love. He may not be the typical heroic figure, but he is someone that people would want on their side in a fight.



C-3PO is a droid who serves as a protocol officer and interpreter. He is one of the most beloved Star Wars heroes due to his kind nature and helpfulness. C-3PO is always trying to do his best, even when it gets him into trouble

While he’s not the strongest or bravest character, C-3PO is a hero because of his kind heart and helpful nature. He’s always trying to do what’s right, even when it puts him in danger.

C-3PO is one of the few characters who has been in the Star Wars saga from the beginning, and he remains a beloved hero to this day.

Poe Dameron


Poe Dameron is a hotshot pilot for the Resistance introduced in The Force Awakens. Poe is an excellent pilot and a skilled fighter, but he often lets his emotions get the better of him.

This can lead to some poor decision-making on his part, but it also makes him one of the most relatable and likable characters in the Star Wars universe.

Poe is the kind of hero that people want to root for. He’s brave, he’s passionate, and he’s always fighting for what he believes in. Even though he sometimes makes mistakes, Poe always tries to do the right thing.

He was a key player in the Battle of Starkiller Base, and he played a major role in the destruction of the First Order’s fleet. Poe is one of the greatest heroes in the Star Wars universe with many fans in India.

Bail Organa


Bail Organa is a senator from Alderaan and one of the few politicians in the Star Wars universe who actually care about his constituents. He is a strong supporter of democracy and freedom, and he does whatever he can to help those who are oppressed.

Bail is not a warrior, but he is a brave man willing to stand up for what he believes in. He is one of the few people who knows about the existence of the Jedi, and he does everything he can to help them.

He also helps Princess Leia when she is on the run from the Empire. Bail is a hero, but he is not a particularly skilled one.

Jyn Erso


Jyn Erso is a street-wise criminal recruited by the Rebel Alliance to help steal the Death Star plans. She is an excellent fighter and survivor, but she also has a reckless streak that gets her into trouble. Jyn is impulsive and headstrong, which can be both good and bad.

While she isn’t the most heroic character in the Star Wars universe, Jyn is a survivor who knows how to fight. She’s also shown herself to be fiercely loyal to her friends. Jyn’s impulsiveness gets her into trouble, making her a hero.

Admiral Holdo


Admiral Holdo is one of the newest additions to the Star Wars universe, but she’s already made quite an impact. She was introduced in The Last Jedi and quickly proved a competent leader. When Poe Dameron led a mutiny against her, she calmly took control of the situation and ultimately saved the Resistance by sacrificing herself.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and Admiral Holdo is proof of that. She’s not a flashy or exciting character, but she is a selfless hero who is more than willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for her friends.

Nien Nunb


Nien Nunb is a Sullustan pilot who fought in the Battle of Endor. He was Wedge Antilles’ co-pilot during the attack on the second Death Star and played a vital role in destroying it.

Nien is an excellent pilot and a brave warrior, but he is also quite self-effacing. He is not the hero who seeks out the limelight or craves attention.

Nien Nunb is a true team player who is always willing to put the needs of others before his own. He is a skilled pilot and a brave warrior, but he is not the most charismatic or inspiring figure.

Nevertheless, he is a hero who deserves recognition for his contributions to the Rebel Alliance.



BB-8 is a droid that appeared in The Force Awakens. He is a spherical droid with a head that magnetically attaches to his body. BB-8 is loyal, brave, and resourceful, but he doesn’t have the same kind of personality as some of the other droids in the Star Wars universe

While BB-8is a hero, he is not as well-rounded as some of the other characters on this list. He doesn’t have the same depth of personality or range of skills.

However, his loyalty and bravery are admirable qualities that make him a hero worth rooting for. Want to see the more robotic character? Then watch Robot Chicken on HBO Max.



Chewbacca is the loyal Wookiee companion of Han Solo. He is a skilled pilot and fighter, and he has a big heart. Chewie is always there for his friends, even when they don’t deserve it.
While Chewbacca is undoubtedly a hero, he isn’t the most heroic character in the Star Wars universe. He’s more of a sidekick than a true hero. He’s loyal and brave, but he doesn’t have the same heroic qualities that some of the other characters on this list possess. Still, Chewie is a hero who has earned his place among the greats.



Rey is a scavenger from the planet Jakku who discovers her powers as a Jedi Knight in the latest Star Wars trilogy. Rey is one of the strongest characters in the Star Wars universe. She is an excellent fighter, both with a lightsaber and with her fists, and she has powerful Force abilities.

Rey is also a very compassionate person and always fights for the underdog. Rey is one of the most popular Star Wars heroes in the Star Wars universe, and it’s easy to see why.

She’s an excellent fighter, has a great backstory, and is just an all-around good person. Rey is one of the few truly heroic characters in the new trilogy, and she definitely deserves her spot on this list.

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Yoda is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe. He’s a wise and powerful Jedi Master who has served as a mentor to many. Yoda is also one of the oldest characters in the franchise, which gives him a level of wisdom that other characters don’t have.

While he may be small in stature, Yoda is a giant among heroes. He’s one of the most powerful Jedi ever, and his wisdom is unmatched. Yoda has helped shape the course of the galaxy time and time again.

There’s no doubt that he’s one of the greatest heroes in the Star Wars universe.

Admiral Ackbar


Admiral Ackbar is a Mon Calamari who fought in the Clone Wars and later became one of the most prominent military leaders of the Rebel Alliance. He is an excellent strategist and tactician, but he is also quite brusque and blunt with his subordinates.

Ackbar is not a particularly likable character, but he is immensely respected for his military prowess.

Ackbar led the Rebel Alliance to victory in the Battle of Endor, where he destroyed the second Death Star.

His strategic genius was instrumental in defeating the Empire, but Ackbar is not the kind of hero that people are likely to feel emotionally attached to. He’s simply too cold and aloof for that.

Lando Calrissian


Lando Calrissian is a gambler, smuggler, and con artist who eventually became the administrator of Cloud City. He is charming and sophisticated, but he is also a bit of a scoundrel.

Lando is the kind of guy who is always looking out for himself, and he’s not above betraying his friends if it suits his needs.

Lando is a likable character despite his flaws, and he’s always fun to watch on screen. He’s also a skilled pilot and an excellent shot with a blaster.

Lando helped the Rebel Alliance fight against the Empire, and he eventually became one of Luke Skywalker’s closest friends. While he’s not the most reliable person in the world, Lando is still a hero. He’s just not the type of hero that you can always count on.

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of the most iconic heroes in the Star Wars universe. A wise and powerful Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan was a mentor to Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker. He belongs to one of the Star Wars heroes best teams.

He was a brave warrior who fought in the Clone Wars and later led the rebel alliance against the Empire.

While he may not be as powerful as some of the other Jedi on this list, Obi-Wan is a master strategist and diplomat. He’s also one of the few characters who has maintained his sense of humor in the face of overwhelming odds.

Obi-Wan is the kind of hero that people want fighting by their side, so he ranks so highly on this list.

Han Solo


Han Solo is one of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe. He’s a smuggler, a scoundrel, and a self-proclaimed captain of the Millennium Falcon. He’s also one of the most beloved characters in pop culture.

Despite his rough exterior, Han Solo is actually a pretty decent guy. He’s always looking out for his friends, even if he does have a habit of getting them into trouble.

He’s also got a heart of gold, which is evident in his relationship with Princess Leia. Han Solo is the kind of mischievous hero that people can’t help but root for.

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Luke Skywalker


Luke Skywalker is the main protagonist of the original Star Wars trilogy. He is a farm boy from Tatooine who discovers that he is the son of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.

Luke joins the Rebel Alliance and becomes a master Jedi Knight himself. He defeats Darth Vader and the Emperor, fulfilling the prophecy of the chosen one.

Luke is one of the most iconic characters in all of pop culture. He is the classic example of a hero’s journey. He starts out as a simple farm boy and becomes one of the most powerful Jedi in the universe.

He faces incredible odds and comes out victorious. Luke is a true hero and deserves to be at the top of this list for fans in India.



R2-D2 is a droid who has been by Luke Skywalker’s side since the beginning. He’s saved Luke’s life on multiple occasions and played a vital role in destroying the Death Star. R2-D2 is a hero, but his heroic deeds are often overshadowed by his more flashy companions

While R 2-D2 may not be the most exciting character, he is undoubtedly one of the Star Wars heroes who’s always there when Luke needs him and never hesitates to put himself in harm’s way to help his friends. R2-D2 is the kind of hero that everyone can root for.

General Leia Organa


Leia Organa is a hero of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. She is a skilled diplomat and leader, but she is also an excellent fighter. Leia has participated in some of the biggest battles in the Star Wars universe, including the Battle of Endor.

Leia is one of the most iconic heroes in the Star Wars universe. She is strong, brave, and determined. Leia is the kind of hero that people want to follow, and she has inspired many others to fight for the cause of freedom. General Leia Organa is the best kind of hero.


The heroes of the Star Wars universe are varied and many. Some, like Baze Malbus, are skilled warriors but lack the heroic qualities that people want to see in a leader. Others, like General Leia Organa, are inspiring leaders with a strong sense of justice.

No matter the Star Wars heroes you’re looking for in India, you’re sure to find them in the Star Wars universe.

Ellison Shirley

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