Free Netflix Scam Can Easily Hack Your Bank Account


This is by far the most dangerous Free Netflix scam ever! Earlier this year especially the early post COVID period has seen numerous free Netflix scams, including other streaming platforms too. This ended up you getting your Netflix hacked, while some hacker sold it for $3 with auto payment.

But this time it’s even more serious because they are not targeting your Netflix, instead, they are targetting your bank account under the veil of Netflix.

Officials at South Lanarkshire Council said, “We have seen a new scam email saying that you can win a year’s premium subscription to Netflix. Clicking on the link leads to a genuine-looking login page which is designed to steal your account and payment details.”

South Lanarkshire Council also tweeted

Once you click on the link you may receive emails looking like this:


netflix scam

Or an email like this one:

Or this one:



With such a real look and feel most people don’t even realize that it’s not an authentic page. So most people go on and validate which results in this screen:

netfix scam 3

As soon as you fill in the details, the spammers now have access to your bank accounts and your hard-earned money is down the drain.

Further research by ScreenBinge revealed that one of the biggest threats that come along is that these hackers instantly subscribe to different streaming platforms and keep the bill settings on auto payment. So before you realize your data has been compromised countless streaming platforms such as Hulu, Amazon, Disney Plus, HBO, Porn Hub accounts have been subscribed and other untraceable purchases made through your credit card and sold for pennies online, this also helps these scammers from being caught as it is now the passwords and IDs they have which they will sell.

As per Netflix,

“We will never ask for your personal information by texts or email.

“This includes: Credit or debit card numbers, Bank account details, Netflix passwords.

“We will never request payment through a 3rd party vendor or website.

“If you receive a text or email requesting any of the above, it is not from Netflix.”

If you do receive an email or text that looks like a scam, don’t open the link or attachment.


Mohid Moosani

Moosani is a night owl who is either binge watching his favorite shows or scribbling on his notebook writing short stories. Often showing up late at work and gulping down 6-7 cups of coffee is his usual practice.