Pacific Rim: The Black’ Season 1 Anime to Release on Netflix


We’ve been waiting for years to see Netflix’s Pacific Rim anime series, and now we can finally confirm that in March 2021, the highly awaited anime adaptation, Pacific Rim: The Black, is coming to Netflix.

Pacific Rim: The Black is an upcoming original anime series from Netflix, produced by Greg Johnson and Craig Kyle, based on the Pacific Rim movies. The animation studio behind the series is Polygon Images, which Netflix subscribers should be more than familiar with. Polygon is responsible for the development of Knights of Sidonia, and Drifting Dragons, the Godzilla anime trilogy.

Season 1 of Black coming to Netflix?

Thanks to the date announcement teaser, we can now confirm that on Thursday, March 4th, 2021, season 1 of Pacific Rim: The Black is coming to Netflix.

The anime series will be released on Netflix globally.

What is the number of episodes?

Pacific Rim: The Black will contain a total of four episodes, according to the anime’s official IMDb website. The runtime of each episode will be approximately 24 minutes.

What is Pacific Rim’s plot: The Black?

A young adolescent boy, Taylor, and his sister, Hayley, use the giant mecha Jaeger to cross the continent in search of their missing parents as kaiju rise from the sea and begin to lay waste to Australia.

Is the anime going to take place in the same universe as the films?

When the film was first revealed, the anime series was confirmed to take place on the same timeline as the live-action movies.

Is a second season in the works already?

It was reported that two seasons of the anime will be produced when the series was first announced by Netflix.

It’s uncertain when we’re going to see the second season of Pacific Rim: Black. Subscribers will wait until 2022, at the very least, before we hear more.

Mohid Moosani

Moosani is a night owl who is either binge watching his favorite shows or scribbling on his notebook writing short stories. Often showing up late at work and gulping down 6-7 cups of coffee is his usual practice.