Knuckles Review: A Deep Dive into the Action-Packed Spin-off

The “Knuckles” series marks a significant entry into the realm of video game adaptations, breathing life into a character well-known to fans of the “Sonic the Hedgehog” franchise.

As a self-proclaimed fan of Knuckles and Sonic, I approached this series with both excitement and trepidation, eager to see how the red echidna’s transition to the small screen would unfold. After watching the series in its entirety, I am ready to share my impressions, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Release Date: 26th April 2024
  • Streaming Channel: Paramount Plus
  • Genre: Adventure, Action
  • Seasons: 1
  • IMDb rating: 6.5/10

Knuckles Trailer

Before proceeding to read the review, I’d suggest you watch the trailer first if you haven’t watched it yet.

Knuckles Series -Highlights and Shortcomings – Quick Glance

Highlights of the series:

Dynamic Comedy: The series excels as a buddy comedy, particularly when Knuckles is given ample screen time to interact and banter with his human counterparts, adding humor and heart to the show.

Action-Packed Scenes: The series features impressive action sequences, blending CGI and live-action choreography to deliver thrilling confrontations and dynamic battles.

Character Growth: Idris Elba’s portrayal of Knuckles shines when the character is pushed out of his comfort zone, exploring new aspects of his personality and responsibilities.

Shortcomings of the series:

Human-Centric Focus: The series falters by centering its narrative on Wade and his family, often sidelining Knuckles and his character development, which leads to uneven pacing and disappointing arcs.

Weak Villains: The show’s antagonists have thin motivations, lacking depth and failing to pose a genuine threat, which diminishes the narrative’s tension.

Missed Potential: Despite its promising start, the series feels underwhelming, overshadowing its great moments and leaving viewers with a sense that it could have achieved much more.

Plot and Character Development

The series opens with a dynamic, action-packed scene that serves to reintroduce Knuckles to fans and introduce him to newcomers. The character is voiced with a gruff, no-nonsense demeanor that suits Knuckles’ personality perfectly.

The showrunners wisely decided to emphasize Knuckles’ role as the protector of the Master Emerald, delving into his backstory and motives in a way that enriches the series’ narrative arc. However, the plot does stumble at times.


Knuckles as the protector of the Master Emerald.

The overarching narrative follows Knuckles as he grapples with his responsibilities as guardian of the Emerald and confronts a series of challenges, both physical and emotional.

The series explores his internal conflict, depicting Knuckles as a lone warrior struggling to balance duty with personal growth. This character development provides depth to the series, though it sometimes lacks subtlety.

Knuckles’ journey from stoic guardian to a more nuanced character is engaging, yet the dialogue and pacing occasionally feel rushed, hindering the emotional weight of key moments.

Supporting Cast


The cast adds depth to the Knuckles series, however, it seems underdeveloped.

The supporting cast also adds depth to the series, though with mixed results. The introduction of new characters brings fresh dynamics to the show, but they often feel underdeveloped. Their motivations are not always clear, and some storylines come across as superfluous.

On the other hand, the return of established characters, such as Sonic and Tails, is a delight for fans, though their roles feel more like cameos, leaving the viewer wanting more interaction and cohesion among the cast.

Moreover, the appearance of Wade in many scenes of the Knuckle series is criticized by the fans.

Cinematography and Visuals

In terms of cinematography, the series excels in its action sequences, offering visually stimulating scenes that capture the energy and dynamism of the video game series.

The animation is fluid and vibrant, effectively translating Knuckles’ agility and strength to the screen. The fight choreography is particularly notable, with well-executed scenes that maintain tension without feeling gratuitous.

However, the series does falter in its quieter moments, with static shots and awkward camera angles that detract from the overall visual appeal.


The direction of the series, while competent, lacks a certain finesse. The pacing is uneven, with some episodes feeling rushed and others dragging.

Key plot points are introduced abruptly, leading to a jarring viewing experience at times. The show’s tonal shifts are also inconsistent, moving from lighthearted banter to dramatic tension without a smooth transition.

This inconsistency can make it challenging for viewers to fully invest in the narrative, as the series struggles to maintain a steady flow.

Music and Soundtrack

One area where the series truly shines is its music. The soundtrack, composed by a team of talented musicians, perfectly captures the energy and mood of each scene.

The score ranges from upbeat, fast-paced tracks that accompany action sequences to more subdued, melancholic tunes that underscore Knuckles’ introspective moments.

The music enhances the viewing experience, serving as an emotional anchor that ties the series together.

Fan Service

In terms of fan service, the series offers a mixed bag. Longtime fans appreciate the nods to Knuckles’ lore and the Sonic universe, from references to Angel Island to the inclusion of various supporting characters.

However, the series occasionally relies too heavily on this nostalgia, leading to a lack of originality in its storytelling. The show’s dialogue is also peppered with catchphrases and in-jokes, which, while amusing, can feel forced and detract from the overall narrative.

What Critics Shared on IMDb on Knuckle Series?

The IMDb reviews for the series “Knuckles” reflect a range of opinions from viewers, revealing both positive and negative aspects of the show:

Focus on Wade: Several reviewers note that despite the title, the series emphasizes Wade’s character over Knuckles, causing disappointment for those expecting more of the titular character. While Wade’s character arc is found to be surprisingly engaging by some, others feel that this detracts from the main storyline.

Family-friendly and CGI: Many reviewers appreciate the show’s family-friendly content and commend its CGI quality, emphasizing its clean and appropriate nature for children. The visual effects and action scenes are praised for being well done, contributing to the show’s entertainment value.

Humor and Dialogue: The show’s humor and dialogue are described as corny or cringeworthy by some, but others find it lighthearted and entertaining, adding to its retro vibe. However, some feel the show’s refusal to take itself seriously detracts from the story’s depth.

Plot and Pacing: The plot, centered on a bowling tournament and simplistic villains, is seen as straightforward, with some reviewers criticizing the pacing as rushed or slow in parts. The ending is also described as abrupt by some viewers, leaving them wanting more.

Overall Enjoyment: Despite the criticisms, many reviewers find the show enjoyable for its action, humor, and character development. Some even praise it as a fun and silly experience, though they note that it may not be essential viewing before the next Sonic movie.

Comparison of Knuckles with other Video Game Adaptations

Knuckles Series vs. Castlevania

The “Knuckles” series and Netflix’s “Castlevania” both translate beloved video game characters to the screen, but with different approaches.

“Castlevania” delves deep into its lore, offering a mature, complex narrative that expands upon its source material. The series excels in character development, weaving intricate backstories and motivations that elevate the narrative beyond its video game origins.

Its animation style, dark aesthetic, and fluid fight choreography complement its tone, though its pacing falters at times.

The “Knuckles” series, in contrast, maintains a lighter tone, consistent with the “Sonic the Hedgehog” franchise. It provides an engaging narrative, though it struggles with uneven pacing and character development.

While “Knuckles” brings depth to its titular character, it lacks the comprehensive storytelling seen in “Castlevania,” relying heavily on nostalgia to drive its plot.

Knuckles Series vs. Sonic the Hedgehog

The “Knuckles” series and the “Sonic the Hedgehog” movie share a common universe, yet offer distinct viewing experiences. The film opts for a family-friendly, comedic approach, relying on visual gags, charming characters, and a straightforward narrative.

Its success lies in its accessibility and broad appeal, though its storytelling can feel formulaic.

The “Knuckles” series, on the other hand, explores its titular character in greater depth, delving into his backstory and motivations. However, it struggles to maintain consistent pacing and relies heavily on fan service. While the series provides enjoyable moments for Sonic fans, it lacks the cohesive storytelling and charm of the film.

Alert!!!! Knuckles Series Spoilers Discussed on Reddit

Here’s a summary of spoilers from the Knuckle series:

Wade’s Storyline: The series primarily focuses on Wade Whipple’s character arc, including his family’s dynamics and his journey to win a bowling tournament against his estranged father. This focus leads to several episodes centered on Wade’s personal life, often sidelining Knuckles.

Bowling Tournament Plot: The overarching plot involves Wade and Knuckles entering a bowling tournament, facing off against Wade’s father and various other teams, including antagonists like G.U.N. agents.

Villain Developments: The series introduces new villains, including G.U.N. agents Mason and Willoughby, who betray their organization to capture Knuckles. Additionally, the character “The Buyer” emerges as the main antagonist, with a goal of obtaining Knuckles’ quills for personal gain.

G.U.N.’s Lore: G.U.N.’s presence in the series raises questions about their continuity with the wider Sonic Cinematic Universe. Notably, the show’s events reveal that G.U.N. had ties to Robotnik in the past and has been aware of extraterrestrial aliens for decades.

Knuckles’ Powers: In the final episode, Knuckles exhibits “Flames of Disaster” powers, hinting at his connection to past encounters and potentially tying into the Sonic lore. The appearance of these powers hints at Knuckles’ development and his past battles.

Character Dynamics: Knuckles’ relationship with Wade undergoes strain due to Wade’s potential betrayal. However, they reconcile and maintain their bond, demonstrating Knuckles’ loyalty and willingness to protect those he cares about.

Post-Credit Scene: The series concludes with a scene featuring Knuckles and Wade driving, but no significant teaser or setup for future storylines, leaving some fans wanting more.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, the “Knuckles” series delivers an entertaining, if uneven, viewing experience. It successfully brings a beloved character to life, exploring Knuckles’ background and motivations in a way that deepens his character.

The series shines in its action sequences and music, though it falters in its pacing and character development. While the show has its flaws, it still provides an engaging experience for fans of the Sonic universe, offering a glimpse into the life of a complex, multidimensional character.

The action sequences, music, and visual effects provide a strong foundation, and with a bit more refinement, the show has the potential to become a standout entry in the world of video game adaptations.

Editor’s Pick!

Lily Bart

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