The second season of “How I Met Your Father,” the sequel series from the beloved sitcom “How I Met Your Mother,” is currently airing on Hulu. Hilary Duff, who stars in the show, hinted that Josh Radnor, who played Ted Mosby in the original series, might make an appearance in the upcoming episodes.
Duff shared that she had communicated with Radnor via email and given that they both have discussed his return a lot, she alluded to his possible involvement in the show. In a recent interview, Duff revealed that, “I had some really nice email exchanges with Josh. It was nice to have him pass the torch almost.” She continued, “We have this habit of not writing back to each other for a month at a time and then it’ll start up again. He’s so nice, I would love to have him here.”
Similarly, Radnor also addressed the possibility of appearing in the spinoff in an interview. He talked about his emails with Duff, saying: “I had a really sweet email exchange with Hilary Duff. We kind of went back and forth about being the ‘I’ on How I Met Your dot dot dot. Hilary has said publicly, she’d love to have me on, so I wouldn’t turn down an invitation.” “I think that there’s always a chance for anything,” Radnor said. “I think that showrunners and writers are always trying to figure out what’s the best story to tell, and who’s the best person to tell it.”
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Furthermore, given that Josh’s previous co-stars Neil Patrick Harris and Cobie Smulders have already returned to their original roles in the Hulu spinoff, it seems that Hilary isn’t going to be satisfied until she brings the entire cast back together. Hilary Duff lauded the actors and their roles, expressing her desire for them all to appear in the Hulu series soon.
She shared that: “They were so freaking great on their show. Their characters were so carved out, they were so confident in what they did and the way they joked. It was like a dance. If we could have an ounce of that, we would be doing a great job. We think very highly of them, and we want them all, if that’s a possibility.”
How I Met Your Father Season 2 is currently in production and features twice as many episodes as Season 1 had, with the co-showrunners Isaac Aptaker and Elizabeth Berger of “This Is Us” being the producers of the recent episodes. It appears that several members of the original HIMYM ensemble are interested in playing their fan-favorite parts again. Hence, the fans could hope that Ted might offer Sophie some advice on her romantic life as he undoubtedly recognizes her struggles.