The Handmaid’s Tale, a well-known series, is set to conclude with its sixth season, and with some major changes. The show’s creator Bruce Miller has stepped down from his position as showrunner for the last season, handing over his responsibilities to Eric Tuchman and Yahlin Chang, who have worked previously as writers and executive producers. Miller, who has served as the show’s showrunner since its inception in 2017, has been its main supporter who is now shifting his focus to a Handmaid’s Tale spinoff, The Testaments.
The Handmaid‘s sequel series The Testaments based on Margaret Atwood’s novel of the same name, is a project Hulu revealed in September as an “active development.” It starts up years after the events of the original show. Miller has been overseeing the creation of The Testaments, as well as the final season of the series. Due to the excess amount of workload, Miller decided to concentrate on The Testaments, with Tuchman and Chang taking over making daily decisions for the series. Miller will still be involved in the series and write two episodes of the final season.
Following Tuchman’s agreement, MGM, the production company responsible for The Handmaid’s Tale on Hulu, has decided to renew their overall contract with the author. Tuchman initially entered into an agreement with MGM back in 2018, where he was contracted to produce new content exclusively for the studio. Throughout the show’s five seasons, Tuchman has written the penultimate episode, as well as the final episodes of seasons one and two. His other credits include “Anastasia,” “Stitchers,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Alphas,” “Eureka,” “Kyle XY,” “Early Edition” and “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman “. A3 Artists Agency, Rain Management Group, and Jackoway Austen are the firms that represent him.
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On the contrary, Chang has written multiple episodes of the show and is also credited with writing for “Pure Genius,” “Supergirl,” “Shades of Blue,” ” Pan Am,” “betrayal,” ” Dirty Sexy Money,” and “ER.” UTA and Lichter Grossman are the firms that represent her.
While Miller has a broad contract with ABC Signature and Hulu, he has written and produced great many number of television shows, such as “ER,” “Eureka,” and “Alphas,” as well as “Everwood,” “Medium,” “The 4400,” “In Plain Sight,” “Men in Trees” and “The 100.” He also wrote “The Stranger Beside Me,” “Sweet Dreams,” and “Higher Ground” for the big screen.
Since late 2019 when Hulu and MGM announced their adaptation of Atwood’s book, The Testaments, Miller has been working on it. The Handmaid’s Tale was the highest-rated original to win an Emmy for best series in 2017, and Miller won an Emmy for his screenplay on the series. He has an extensive agreement with Hulu and Disney’s ABC Signature. For Miller, who has been an ardent admirer of Atwood’s work for decades, The Handmaid’s Tale has been a labor of love. Due to the nature of the tale, Hulu first started to seek out a female showrunner for the drama. In spite of that Miller’s enthusiasm for the subject helped him land the part.
Miller spoke exclusively in September about balancing the final season and his work on The Testaments. He stated that “Because the worlds are slightly different with timing, and all the things that are different between a television show and a novel, I have to figure out all of those little things. I’m trying to lay the groundwork.” He also included that, “It is a continuation, but it’s more like a separate chapter. The horizons are more limitless.”