Samuel L Jackson’s Last Meeting With Chadwick Boseman

samuel L jacksons last meeting with boseman

Chadwick Boseman’s death was a shock to the entire world, not just Hollywood but millions of fans globally loathe the death of one of the finest actors in the industry. While Boseman literally changed Hollywood with his powerful roles, especially of black legendary heroes such as Jackie Robinson in 42 and James Brown in Get On Up! He became an inspirational actor of color quite early in his life and with Black Panther, he was all over the place! To fully comprehend Chadwick Boseman’s importance in Marvel movies, watch all Marvel movies in order.

As per The Independent, Samuel L Jackson talked about Boseman’s death on The Tamron Hall Show and called it “Sudden” and “Devastating”.

Boseman, a hero in real life as well, kept his colon cancer private and worked during his treatment and chemotherapy. Samuel L Jackson talks about his last meeting with Boseman, and it somehow shockingly also indicates that Boseman knew he didn’t have much time left. As Jackson tells us about the last conversation with Boseman,

“I was trying to remember the last time I’d actually seen Chadwick. And I was talking to Zoe, our daughter about it and it was at the Captain Marvel premiere. We walked and we started talking about another project that I had hoped that we were gonna work on. He was like, ‘I’m sorry, y’all, I’m not going to be there, but I wish we were gonna work together.”

Boseman’s reply does indicate in some way that he knew his time was up or that his disease was now heading towards a more serious condition, we’re not trying to strike up a controversy but his words do show a deeper meaning now.

Jackson added,

“We were talking about it, we had planned it for a while and it was, you know, it’s gut-wrenching, you know, to lose someone that’s such an important part of the culture. In terms of what he became to the world with Black Panther. We all hope when we work that people will remember things that we will do. But he imprinted society in such a way, impacted especially the black culture and giving kids a hero that they could aspire to. To lose him, I don’t even know if I could tell my kid that. It’s devastating.”


Mohid Moosani

Moosani is a night owl who is either binge watching his favorite shows or scribbling on his notebook writing short stories. Often showing up late at work and gulping down 6-7 cups of coffee is his usual practice.