Sanders Takes A Shot On Netflix- No Federal & State Taxes Paid


The presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders is aiming at large corporations and the wealthy as he criticizes Trump’s tax bill. The tax bill that got in to effect in 2018 saved $1.5 trillion to US corporations. Bernie is campaigning against large corporations from being let off the hook.

Bernie also took a hit on Netflix in a Tweet stating that,

“Your $8.99 Netflix subscription is more than the company paid in federal income taxes last year (nothing). We are going to make massive corporations finally pay their fair share.”


As per CBS, Netflix had a negative income tax for the financial year 2018. Which means it reported a rebate for $22 million. Similarly Netflix Australia’s tax revenue is going to the Netherlands.

WUSA9 investigated Netflix’s form 10-K, which disclosed that the company paid $133,146,000 in foreign taxes and paid nothing in Federal or State taxes.

Bernie also condemned New York Times news that FedEx did not owe anything in 2018 financial year taxes.





Mohid Moosani

Moosani is a night owl who is either binge watching his favorite shows or scribbling on his notebook writing short stories. Often showing up late at work and gulping down 6-7 cups of coffee is his usual practice.